Payment Methods
Payment Term is DELIVERY AGAINST PAYMENT, we DO NOT accept C.O.D. orders.We accept PayPal, Shop Pay, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Klarna Pay in 4 installments, Credit card payments.

When you place an order with Paypal you will be redirected to the PayPal payment page, where you can confirm your payment by logging in with your PayPal username and password.If you are already a PayPal customer, you can log in with your user data and make a payment. Are you a newcomer to PayPal? You can then log in as a guest or open your PayPal account and confirm your payment.Collections are usually booked in a few minutes and your order will be processed immediately

PayPal Credit(Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, etc.) For USA customers only at the moment.We support global buyers to pay, as long as you have a Paypal account.PayPal is a trusted and well known checkout that allows you to bypass entering your information into our site. Although offers a 100% secure shopping experience we understand that customers may feel more comfortable using alternative payment methods. PayPal is this method and we have had over 10 years of outstanding service with them.
Credit Card
In order to pay by credit card, you will be required to enter your credit card number with the date of expiry once you reach Checkout. We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, JCB, Diners Club, BC, Benefit, Mada, KNet, Przelew24, FamilyMart, 7-11, Lawson and eNETS.

Klarna Pay in 4 allows you to split your purchase into four equal payments. We collect the first payment at checkout, and the remaining three payments are collected every two weeks. By spreading the cost over six weeks, there are no interest or fees if you make your payments on time.