How To Print Edible Images For Cakes?

Solutions To Print Edible Images For Cakes

Two Methods | Print Image On Cake

  1. The first one is the direct to cake printer. after digitally processing your favorite image photo, use a special food printer and edible coloring to print directly on the top of the cake.
  2. The second one method is to use a special digital cake printer to print the image onto a special food icing paper or rice paper, cut it, and then cover it on the cake. Digital cakes originated in Europe and have become increasingly popular in Hong Kong and Taiwan in recent years.

beautiful printed cakes

Digital Cake Edible Printing

  1. You can prepare the pictures and print them at a local specialized digital food processing store or digital cake shop.
  2. You can also order online, check the service provider that provides printing pictures on glutinous rice paper, and provide your printing style as required.
  3. If you want to make batches, you can buy a digital food printer and DIY glutinous rice paper printing pictures.

Edible Printer For Cakes

Names on cakes can be achieved using different methods.

One of the easiest ways to do this is to write your name on the cake using icing or chocolate. This method involves using a small bag with a tip to squeeze out the icing or chocolate to form letters or numbers.

Another option is to use edible rice paper or an edible ink printer to print the name or picture on the cake. This method can be designed and printed using computer software. The printed edible paper or pattern can be placed directly on the cake and then covered with a layer of film.

Another way is to use candy wrappers or candy pieces and print names or patterns on them. This method requires you to design the name or pattern first, and then use an edible ink printer to print it on the candy paper or candy pieces. Then put sugar paper or sugar slices on the cake to complete a beautiful cake.

In summary, getting your name on the cake can be achieved in a variety of ways, each with its own pros and cons. Which method you choose depends on personal preference and needs.

cake edible printing

Direct To Cake Printer Demo Video

Can You Eat The Printed Cake ?

There is this kind of edible ink cake printer. The printing ink materials are edible. After inputting the photo into the computer, it can be printed out directly! So, the printed cake is edible as well !

Where Can I Get The Direct To Cake Printer?

There are different brand for the cake printer, but you can try to know about ANTPRINT Cake Printer, which specialized in the cake printing machine from the year of 2016 in China.


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